Sunday, November 3, 2013

11-3-13 Meeting

Hey guys,

So a few of us were able to meet up tonight and go over a few ideas to implement the feedback we received from both the faculty and adobe last friday. here are some notes to get everyone up to speed.

Gavin suggested that we show more of the food crisis/situation in the beginning, like hamburger joints that are closing because theres no more beef. Matt suggested we have a pan down onto a cityscape, and once we get to street level, we see some of these closing food establishments, or other signs of the crisis. we then pan down further below street level, where we see a wide shot of the lab, which is underground. all this will be happening whilst we hear the news broadcast, which would be the next shot.

For the three test/fail beats in the beginning, we decided that 3 things are important: for each beat, 1. the implementation of the protein is the same every time (whether its an electric pulse, a syringe, etc.); 2. the protein strand that the scientist is manipulating on her computer is different every time, hence, 3. the results are different every time.

Crazier Test Fail Moments
So one of the major things we heard last week was that the test fails were not inventive enough. I suggested a few ideas for what we might do for each fail, and ill bold the ideas that those who met today responded the best to:

-the tomato explodes in a small-scale mushroom cloud.
-the animated, digital tomato gets morphed into a real-life tomato.
-the tomato expands for a moment, revealing all parts (the skin layer, pulp, seeds, stem, all seperate), then they suddenly implode back together in a very Dr.Manhattan manner
-the tomato gets turned into a brussel sprout, which no one likes.
-instead of being gassed or zapped, the tomato gets:   scanned, dipped in protein bath, shocked with a defibrillator type machine, shook inside a small container like the salads at mcdonalds, or pushed through a juicer and the juice is tested.

Denise suggested that the scientist has the protein strand hologram (or IMUI ((interactive metaphysic ai user interface))) in front of her the whole time. so, instead of administering her experiments from a control panel, she will manipulate a strand of dna. after the first two attempts and fails of her doing this, she then gets desperate and in a fit of frustration mixes up the dna wildly- this is the protein strand that hits the caterpillar and causes its reaction.

*Also, Dan suggested that on the last fail, the scientist's protein results in a caterpillar that gets morphed together with the tomato, thus creating a Tomatopillar. It will look like a caterpillar that is monstrous, but also made out of tomato, so this solves the problem that Gavin mentioned about people eating something that looks so grotesque.

So Gavin had suggested we add some kind of twist at the end of the story, some hint at a dark future with this technology. I came up with a few, and ill bold the ideas that those who met today responded the best to. these are intended to be just tacked on at the very end:

-tomato sitting in lab quietly, suddenly opens eyes and a mouth full of teeth
-(what gavin suggested) a small spider slowly comes down from the cieling and lands in some remaining serum in the lab.
-a shot of the scientist administering protein to a caterpillar, and after he grows big, he sprouts little wings and starts flying around lab, causing mayhem.
-a short shot of people eating a cateburger, and suddenly they turn green and grow a bunch of legs.
-2 cows are watching the "new protein" news on tv, they kind of chuckle, and high-hoof eachother.
-a butterfly is sitting in its living room watching the news in horror and says "MY BABIES!"
-tomato is sitting in lab, suddenly grows crab legs and scuttles offscreen.

*For this friday, I would like to show Adobe 2-3 alternate twist endings. For now, it will be the three that I have in bold. Im just gonna make a board or two for each to show these and ill post them here on the blog sometime this week for you all to see.

I think that about covers it.

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